Anti Aging Secrets


A lot of us asks this question looking for an easy answer. But in reality it’s a combination of many different treatments and lifestyle changes that help us maintain a youthful looking skin.

Top 5 Treatments that we recommend:

  1. Botox Injections – Botulinum toxin is used to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by paralyzing the underlying muscles. Brows, sensitive areas around the eye, and smile lines can all be addressed with Botox. When administered correctly, Botox can keep the surrounding muscles nice and perky, reducing those fine lines and wrinkles.
  2. Microneedling – If you want the ultimate rejuvenating treatment and booster for your skin, than Microneedling (also referred to as collagen induction therapy or derma rolling) is just for you. Microneedling therapy, also called Skin needling, is a minimally invasive skin-rejuvenation procedure that involves the use of a device with fine needles rooted in it. The needles are used to create tiny punctures in the top layer of the skin, creating microscopic wounds which prompts the body to create new collagen and elastin to fill these tiny lines. 
  3. IPL Photofacial – can treat a wide variety of skin problems. It can be used to smooth uneven skin texture, close large pores, and eliminate wrinkles by stimulating collagen growth. In combination with regular botox injections it’s a great anti-aging treatment.
  4. Chemical peels – are typically used to restore a youthful, vibrant appearance to wrinkly, blotchy, sun-damaged skin. The medium peel smoothes fine surface wrinkles, and corrects pigment problems such as age spots. The deep chemical peel helps treat sun-damaged skin, eliminates deep, coarse wrinkles, and can remove pre-cancerous growths.
  5. Skin care products – are the basic principle for having a youthful looking skin. Quite often we neglect our skin by not using appropriate products. Therefore, it is crucial to find a skin care line that will help us unleash the natural potential of our skin. Products with ingredients that will help us to reveal healthier-looking skin.